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Effects of Nutrition on Resistance


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Resistance Nutrition Overview: 

  • What is resistance training? 

    • “A form of physical activity that is designed to improve muscular fitness by exercising a muscle or a muscle group against external resistance” (Trek, 2018). 

  • According to Trek: 

    • Examples of Resistance Training: 

      • Free weights 

      • Weight machines 

      • Medicine balls 

      • Resistance bands 

      • Personal body weight (push-ups, squats, chin-ups, planks) 

    • How Much Should A Person Complete Resistance Training?

      • Novice: 2-3 days per week 

      • Intermediate: 3 days per week 

      • Advanced: 4-6 days per week 


YMCA on Diet For Resistance Training:  

  • Try to limit the amount of processed foods, as well as not drinking beverages high in sugar (such as sodas and fruit juices). These types of foods & beverages are low in fiber, protein and micronutrients. 

  • Aim for lean-protein (chicken, fish, turkey). Lean-protein sources are low in saturated fats, while providing heart-healthy fats, and adequate protein intake. 

  • Whole grains, fresh/frozen fruits are examples of carbohydrates that can deliver essential minerals, provide fiber, and provide energy to sustain during exercise. 


Pre- Resistance Exercise Nutrition:

  • Eating before a workout can increase energy levels as well as the amount of calories burned 

  • Try to eat a snack / light meal at least 60-90 minutes for your workout, this reduces abdominal pain & discomfort. 

    • Remember: fats & fibers take longer to break down so these will need to be consumed 3 hours prior to workout. 

  • Nuts, beans, fruits, and sweet potatoes are examples of low glycemic index carbohydrates that will sustain throughout the workout since they take longer to digest. 

    • High glycemic index carbohydrates (honey, white bread) absorb faster than low glycemic index carbohydrates which cause you to have a sugar crash. 


Post-Resistance Exercise Nutrition:

  • Protein facilities muscle building & recovery. Carbohydrates supply energy, pair both of these to maximize muscle strength and size. 

  • Try to aim for consuming a protein & carbohydrate snack within 30 minutes after exercise 

  • Aim to eat a full meal two hours after eating a snack. 



Dillon, B. (2021, September 24). How to change your diet when you start lifting weights. YMCA of Middle Tennessee. Retrieved May 1, 2023, from  


Trek. (2018, February 2). What is resistance training? Resistance. Retrieved May 1, 2023, from

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